Ready to integrate
Toll Intelligence?
Get started with TollGuru Toll Calculator or Toll API or Cloud Services.
* Prices exclude any applicable taxes.
Choose TollGuru Toll API pricing plan if you are looking for integrating any of the following two TollGuru API endpoints:
To calculate the cheapest and the fastest routes, tolls and fuel expenses, toll miles and state mileage report for given origin, destination, and waypoints (if any).
Ideal when you are already using a mapping service for your routing and you are able to send the complete route poyline to TollGuru to calculate tolls and fuel expenses for that route.
Our tiered pricing plans are designed to align with your business's scale and growth, starting with a 14-day free trial. Choose the plan that fits your current traffic. Seamlessly upgrade subscriptions as your needs expand.
If you are looking to calculate tolls for the actual route traveled by the vehicle, right after the trip, then TollTally - GPS tracks to tolls API, is the right choice.
With TollTally, our groundbreaking GPS-based, AI-powered toll billing solution, waiting for the toll agency's bills is a thing of the past. Imagine receiving toll cost information every minute, enabling you to include tolls in your customer billing, driver reimbursements, or rental/lease agreements, right after the trip!
Schedule a call with us to learn more about the TollTally pricing and subscription plans.
Get started with TollGuru Toll Calculator or Toll API or Cloud Services.